Murray Academy Returns to International Competition at 2022 World Championships! – Belfast, Northern Ireland

Congratulations to our 24 qualifiers for their performances at this year’s World Championships in Belfast! Special congratulations to Brielle Maguire for bringing home the 5th place globe in U11 Girls competition, to Brigid O’Connor and Fiona Marino for their World Medals, and to Delaney Guy, Maeve Marino, Abby Hayes, Ava Krueger, Chloe Bosma, and Maggie Krein on their recall medals!

In addition to the 9 receiving individual solo medals, we had another 6 dancers placing in the top half of their competitions and earning the chance to compete in Day 2 competitions. We are SO proud of our results and of our dancers as always, but we’re especially proud of how they worked hard and kept each other motivated through the three years since the last World Championships were held.

To see our complete list of results, click here, and click on post title above to see complete post with photo gallery.